Ani Avedissian

ani symbol

Energy Healer, Spiritual Teacher, Paranormal Activity Specialist

Cosmic Conversations

A series of short, entry level presentations on popular new age subjects designed to stimulate interest and promote awareness. Informal, fun, fascinating.

Cosmic Conversations are now hosted on Zoom!

October 26, 2024
All About Poetry

Join Ani and the gang as they explore poetry through the ages. This one will be a jolly old romp through the ages via the pages of the poet scribblers of old.

Participants are encouraged to share an original work of reasonable length, no epic Norse sagas, please!

Here's a little teaser to inspire you.

In days of old
when knights were bold
and lavatories weren't invented,
they dug a hole in the middle of the road
and sat there quite contented.

November 23, 2024
Gnosticism 101

Gnosis means knowledge.

What do we know about this ancient, mysterious group? Well, we know the official narrative but, could there be more?

Ani says there is and invites you to join her and the gang for a little exploration into the history of Gnosticism.

December 28, 2024
Ani's Yuletide Yahoo!

Blessings of the Season to you!

Join Ani and the gang as they kick back, cocktails in hand, to review the magic and the mayhem that colored 2024.

All attendees are invited to participate in some way. A poem, a song, a recipe, or your views/commentary on the future of the world. Whatever floats your boat.

This evening is one long, relaxed. open mic affair. We hope to see you there.

Previous Cosmic Conversations

  • Out of Body Experiences
  • Inner Earth - What do We Really Know?
  • Dancing with Demons
  • Nazism's Occult Roots
  • Religions of the World
  • The Kybalion
  • The Apocrypha
  • Have a Cool Yule!
  • Eugenics - The Good. The Bad. The Ugly.
  • Impressions on Past Lives Regression
  • Armenian History - The Ancestry and the Mystery
  • Mind Control Technology and MK-Ultra
  • The Constitution of the United States of America - An Overview
  • Ayn Rand. Reality. Reason. Self-Interest. Capitalism.
  • Rocking the House with Hildy Von B and Anchorite Jay!
  • Let's Get Spacey with Edgar Cayce
  • Ani's Cool Yule Party!
  • The Quatrains of Nostradamus
  • Spellcraft and Sorcery from Around the Globe
  • Ascended Masters. Guardians of the Galaxy or Fraudsters?
  • Mass Formation Hypnosis
  • A Beginner's Guide to Stoicism
  • Keeping up with the Khazarians
  • The Knights Templar
  • An Introduction to A Course in Miracles
  • Kabbalah and Challah 101
  • Weird and Wacky Tidbits from the History of Christmas and the Winter Solstice
  • Inner Earth and Gateways to Other Dimensions
  • Spell Craft and Wonderful Witchery
  • Transhumanism
  • An Introduction to the Tao Te Ching
  • How To Survive a Zombie Apocalypse
  • Making Sense of Metaphysical Mumbo Jumbo
  • Mastery Over Mind, Management of Matter
  • Explaining Out-of-Body Experiences
  • Past Lives: What!?!?!
  • Spiritual Integrity for Confused and World-Weary Humans
  • Ani's Solstice and Christmas Party A-Go-Go
  • The Luciferian Agenda Explained. No Drama . . . Just the Facts, Ma'am
  • Sensible Prepping from a Spirit Centered Perspective
  • Cosmic Q&A!
  • Onward Buttercup! There's Fakery to be Done!
  • Communicating with Spirits
  • Deep State Defined - Back by Popular Demand!
  • Easy Feng Shui
  • A Shaman's Christmas
  • Discovering Past Lives
  • Deep State Defined
  • Communicating with Animals
  • Sacred Geometry 101
  • Self-Sabotage and the Subconscious Mind
  • Psychometry and Pendulums
  • Common Paranormal Anomalies Revisited
  • Wicca and Witchcraft
  • Eliminating Stress by Understanding and Practicing Mindfulness
  • The Origin of Christmas and Other Winter Solstice Holidays
  • An Evening with Matthew
  • Secret Societies
  • Deciphering Dreams
  • Akasha and the Akashic Records
  • Soul Contracts Demystified
  • Critical Thinking Skills
  • How to Cast and Read Rune Stones
  • Will the Real Me Please Stand Up?
  • An Introduction to Palm Reading
  • Setting Intentions - The Magic and the Minutiae
  • An Introduction to Mediumship
  • Fairies and Elves and Gnomes...Oh My! An Introduction to the Inhabitants of Earth's Subtle Realms
  • Remote Viewing
  • Learning to Trust Your Intuition
  • Vision Questing for Soft, Clueless Urbanites
  • How to Research Cover-ups and Conspiracy Theories
  • How to Read Your Fortune in Coffee Grounds
  • What is a Dream
  • Popular Conspiracy Theories
  • Opening to Channel
  • If These Walls Could Talk . . . Psychometry
  • How to Use Crystals
  • Relationships: The Karma...the Chaos...and everything in between!
  • Let the Spirit Inhabit the Human
  • Conscious Creating
  • Media Misinformation
  • Common Paranormal Anomalies
  • Discovering Your Past Lives
  • A Light-Hearted Overview of Witchcraft

Cosmic Conversations Details

All Conversations will be held via ZOOM on Saturday evenings from 5:00 pm - 6:45 PM Pacific Time.

$17.76 per person

Email Ani to register.

The registration deadline for a Cosmic Conversation is 24 hours before the event.


Credit card payments are through PayPal. Invoices will be sent prior to date of service.

When your payment is received, you will receive a confirmation link to the ZOOM meeting.

DATES - 2024

 January 27, 2024 Rescheduled to Feb 24
 February 24, 2024 The Apocrypha
 March 30, 2024 The Kybalion
 April 27, 2024 Religions of the World
 May 25, 2024 Nazism's Occult Roots
 June 29, 2024 Dancing with Demons
 July 27, 2024 Inner Earth - What do we really know?
  No Cosmic Conversation in August
 September 28, 2024 Out of Body Experiences
 October 26, 2024 All About Poetry
 November 23, 2024 Gnosticism 101
 December 28, 2024 Ani's Yuletide Yahoo!


Want to attend this Cosmic Converation but the date is not compatible?
Why not form your own group and set your own date and time?
Contact Ani to see how easy and affordable this very popular option is!

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